Soca AI

Advancing multimodal LLM for enterprises

To promise a future of inclusivity, we enthusiastically leverage the potential of Multimodal Language Models (LLM) for enterprises.

Genesist focus areas





Zero-retention data policy

Soca's Genesist is working exclusively with LLMs that maintain a zero-retention data policy, ensuring your inputs are never used for training.

A path to Genesist series of models :





Soca's Genesist offers tailored enterprise solutions, using multimodal capabilities to enhance understanding and response through Agents.

Data Extraction

Data Visualization

Graph bar

Line chart

Pie chart

Data Communication









Soca's Genesist prioritizes privacy and data security, ensuring robust compliance measures for the utmost protection of sensitive information.

We don’t train on your data

Your success is driven by your prompts and ideas, not our AI models. We prioritize your trust, training our models without utilizing your specific data.

We don’t share your prompts

We honor you and your team's unique creativity and ensure that your inputs are kept confidential, never shared with others.

We don’t sell your data

We do not engage in trading your data. Our business model neither involves nor will ever involve exploiting user data.


Where conversation meets comprehension and visualization, powered by RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation).
Talk to your files. Understand them visually.

RAG workflow from Leonie Monigatti

Imagine analyzing a company's quarterly financial report with GENESIST. Forget sifting through dense tables and charts. Just ask, "Show me the key drivers of revenue growth and visually highlight potential trends for future quarters."

Imagine understanding the complexities of climate change data with GENESIST. Forget tedious spreadsheets and abstract models! Just ask, "Show me the impact of rising sea levels on coastal communities, visually highlighting areas most at risk from future flooding."

Imagine delving into a mountain of complex medical research papers with GENESIST. No more endless PDFs and jargon! Simply ask, "Summarize the latest findings on cancer immunotherapy, visually highlighting potential clinical trials for specific patient profiles."

Historical Revenue

Forecasted Revenue

95% Confidence Interval

Historical Revenue

Forecasted Revenue

95% Confidence Interval

Latest updates

Dec, 2023

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